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- But she seemd really happy now and I got to see th...
- We hugged and it felt so good to be close to someb...
- I still couldn't help what I was doing when I lean...
- It seemed to make her really happy. It was like h...
- Then, I told Macadamia how much I liked her smile....
- Macadamia and I had a good laugh about Coco's prop...
- Whew, she finally remembered the TV Dinner. Eithe...
- No, Coco, don't look for food in the fridge! You ...
- Yay, Coco is finally watching some Yummy Channel! ...
- Mr. P. isn't too hard to look at, is he?
At 9:45 PM,
MysticSpirit said…
Boy, suziC ... your Nutts are really ... well ... NUTS! :O)) Hehe. But they are adorably nuts. :O) Hehe. And awwwwwwwww! Love is soon to be in the air I see. Macadamia is a cutie ... reminds me of someone else with those blonde pigtails. ;OD
At 11:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yay! A love story in the Nutt house. They really do make a cute couple, but can she tolerate Macadamia and her nuttiness for long?
At 9:12 AM,
AeronwyDiobhell said…
Grey really is a very hot sim. And that was nice of the Legasea boys to come visit the new neighbors! Hmm, Coco is rather scary sometimes, isn’t she… I like the shot of half the asylum standing around watching the Yummy Channel. *snicker* I agree with Jenn – I think Coco just likes black food. *nod* Poor Hazel. She’s starving, so she goes and paints. She’s exhausted, so she wanders around until she collapses. She definitely belongs there. Hmm, not sure if falling in love with someone in an asylum is a good thing or not, but at least Notta and Mac seem to be happy with each other.
At 12:04 PM,
SuziCat said…
Thanks, Angelia! And who does Mac remind you of? I'm curious.
Alexis, we'll see if they can make it work as a couple--Notta is hopeful, anyway!
And thanks for all of the comments, Aeronwy! Glad you were amused. :-) And poor Notta is just so lonely that she's really not thinking straight! (Pun unintended, ha!)
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