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- . . . and one thing led to another . . .
- We relaxed in the bed and I told her how sexy thos...
- Mac had taken a nice long bubble bath and smelled ...
- Pistachio still likes napping on the couch sometim...
- Poor Saul-Ted partied too much I guess, and passed...
- Quite the opposite actually, they all seemed to li...
- Another day, another pizza! The residents all cro...
- That night, Mac and I got to watch some TV alone t...
- I really think having people over really helps the...
- I don't think Saul-Ted liked the fruit juice he fo...
At 8:36 PM,
MysticSpirit said…
WOOHOO!! ...
...... Literally! (de ja vu)
Yes ... I knew these two would go at it like bunnies sooner or later. Do you think they'll get some several times a day? :O)) Hehe.
It's nice to read an asylum challenge where the residence get along! I just came from I think it was Aerpmwy's asylum ... and most of the asylum residence FIGHT! So sad.
*worries about the gnome*
At 9:34 PM,
Lisa said…
I think this is the first asylum challenge I have seen where sims have woo-hooed.
At 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congrats to the happy couple!!! YAY!
At 9:06 AM,
AeronwyDiobhell said…
Yay! Congrats on the medical job finally!! Aww, that was sweet of Hazel. :-) Wow, Mac joins Notta in bed quite frequently now, doesn’t she. *cheers* At least Bluey was happy and not sad, right? That was so sweet that Mac said she’d always be there to pick Notta up when she was down! Bwahaha! Poor Mr. P, afraid to go to the bathroom! *giggles* Heh, that was one thing I regret doing my Asylum medieval… I could never order pizza! That’s cool though that your sims will sit to eat their pizzas. Whenever I order in my regular houses, they all stand around the box, usually blocking other people from reaching the pie. Sweet!! They finally woohoo’d! *cheers loudly*
Oh, and Ange... it's only Mabuz who fights, and only with 2 of the people. Everyone else is best friends. ;-)
At 2:05 PM,
SuziCat said…
Angelia--Well, I had them "get some" as much as I could, since I never knew when "woohoo" would be in Mac's wants panel! And yeah, they are all warm and fuzzy with each other. :-)
Lisa--Well, since Mac is Romance, I wanted to try to get her some aspiration points, and I can use my controllable to do that!
Thanks for the congrats, Jenn and Heather; aren't they a cute couple ? :-)
Aeronwy--Thanks for all of the comments! Pizza is a real life saver--literally!!!
Thanks to everybody for reading and for the comments, here and throughout!!!
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