I want my realationship with Mac to go further, but I wonder if I should let it? I mean, she DOES have some mental problems, I can't deny that. Could it be a normal relationship? Would I be taking advantage of her? But, I feel like I could help her with my love, maybe even help her recover from her delusions! I'll have to think about it some more, dear Journal . . .

At 8:17 PM,
MysticSpirit said…
I think her relationship with Mac is really sweet. But her concerns are valid concerns. But ... perhaps if she makes it out of the asylum, she can take care of Mac ... get her some REAL help. But then again ... perhaps they are BOTH crazy, and they'll love being in a real relationship together. ;o)) Isn't it nice that they can finally feed themselves without burning down the place or killing anyone? And yes, a crazy person with a knife is VERY scare. ;O>
At 10:49 AM,
AeronwyDiobhell said…
That Vidcund is such a grouch! (And what is it with every sim in Strangetown’s fascination with him?) *giggle* X marks the spot! Great use of that picture. I don’t blame Coco for not wanting folks to use the stove if she’s always cleaning it! Ooo, shame on Hickory for stealing Hazel’s food. Maybe they aren’t allowed to have windows not because they’re not ready for them but so that outsiders can’t look in and see how shoddy the place is. I love the grin on Mac’s face when she’s climbing into bed with Notta! Whew, that bathroom is in need of some SERIOUS help! That's sweet that Notta is worried about Mac and their relationship. It'll be interesting to see how things go from here.
At 7:16 AM,
Marcie said…
Wow! This challenge looks interesting! Fun names for everyone. Samuel??? is an elder??? WHOA!! I remember him and his green mohawk in my game, hee hee.
At 11:13 AM,
SuziCat said…
Heather and Angelia--Yeah, she's conflicted about the relationship, but Mac needs the aspiration points, so Notta is COMPELLED to keep things going, hee hee.
Aeronwy--Glad you liked it and thanks for the comments! I don't know why everyone likes to spy on Vidcund, either, good point! :-)
Marcie--Yeah, it's fun--you should try it! The names wer fun to come up with--Saul-Ted is my favorite one, hee hee. Yeah, Samuel is an elder now; I am REALLY behind in updating my Legasea blog!
Thanks to Jenn, too, for the comments throughout (which I responded to)!
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