The Nutts

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I want my realationship with Mac to go further, but I wonder if I should let it? I mean, she DOES have some mental problems, I can't deny that. Could it be a normal relationship? Would I be taking advantage of her? But, I feel like I could help her with my love, maybe even help her recover from her delusions! I'll have to think about it some more, dear Journal . . .  Posted by Picasa

After she finished talking with pistachio, I flirted with her, caressing her a little bit and she said she liked me, that she has something of a crush. And I feel the same way about her. Posted by Picasa

I overheard Mac and Pistachio talking about her kissing me the other day. I guess he happened to see it--Pistachio is really into knowing everything that's going on. I wonder if she will let me kiss her again? Posted by Picasa

So, just for her, I cleaned the shower room up, pulled all of the weeds, and even figured out how to fix the shower! She's very special to me and worth making happy, I think. Posted by Picasa

It was REALLY upsetting Mac, how bad the bathroom got, and if it bothered Mac, who is not exactly a neat freak, you KNOW it was bad!!! Posted by Picasa

One night, Hazel stared at the flamingo for hours, muttering. I think I heard her call it "little Cindy." Posted by Picasa

She was STILL pissed at him, even while she was . . . you know . . . :-) Posted by Picasa

Saul-Ted got his revenge on Coco though, for not talking to him! He decided he HAD TO clean the toilet right when Coco was on the verge of peeing herself! I hate to admit it, but it was pretty funny! Posted by Picasa

Mr. P. finally got some time with the telescope, and he really likes looking at all of the "pretty things" in the sky. And Hazel likes to watch him while he's using the telescope. Who knows what's going on in that head of hers? Posted by Picasa

But they are getting better about feeding themselves! The other day, the Captain made spaghetti for everyone, not just himself! Posted by Picasa

Dear Journal, the days keep going by and I still can't find a medical job in the paper! The residents here don't worry about jobs, but they have their own concerns. Like Saul-Ted, who just wants to be friends with everybody, but Coco won't even look at him! Posted by Picasa

But sometime in the middle of the night, I feel her get up, and she goes to her own bed. I guess she's not quite ready to "spend the night" with me. Posted by Picasa

She lies beside me for awhile and I enjoy just sleeping next to her warm body. I don't want to scare her away. Posted by Picasa

I am finally dozing off, when I feel someone getting into bed with me--Macadamia! Posted by Picasa

And of course, am kept up by everyone yelling about needing to go to the bathroom at once. Why don't they just take turns? Posted by Picasa

I am exhausted from jumping up and down all day in that Llama costume, so I go straight to bed. Posted by Picasa

Finally home. I don't get here until dark. And I have made just enough money to pay the bills. I can't believe that I am expected to pay all of the bills for this place! Wait a minute, did I just call this place "home"??? Posted by Picasa

Mac told Hazel all about how she and I are going to move back to "her" Hawaii one day, where we will both be princesses together always. I know Mac is a little delusional, but I love the way she thinks sometimes! Posted by Picasa

Oh, lovely, we have WEEDS in the bathroom and somebody has broken the shower.  Posted by Picasa

Yeah, just leave that garbage anywhere, guys; the maid (aka ME) will get it! Yeesh!!! Posted by Picasa

Everyone is in the kitchen happily cooking away--I hope the Yummy Channel watching has helped their cooking skills. Posted by Picasa

Okay, I admit it, seeing Hazel with that big knife really scares me! We aren't ready for windows, but we can have knives? Posted by Picasa

Hazel is valiently trying to make herself some food, while trying not to faint from hunger. I wish I could have been there to make the poor thing some food! But at least Saul-Ted got something he REALLY wanted--he and Pistachio became friends! Posted by Picasa

She stands aside, finally, to let Mac cook the Captain's former dinner. Posted by Picasa

So Captain Hickory puts down the pot he was going to cook on the stove, and steals Hazel's TV dinner! Poor Hazel! Coco is now telling Mr. P. that we are all going to burn to death, if the bomb doesn't get us first. Not if I can help it, Coco! Posted by Picasa