The Nutts

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

She thinks her green heart glasses will help her see her "husband" and "babies." She says it's like in The Wizard of Oz. Okay, maybe there is something to the whole theory that all of the folks who are genetically Nutts are, well, nuts! I'll stop here for now; I think Macadamia wants to talk to me. I guess i get to figure out what she's all about next. I'll be back soon, dear journal! Posted by Picasa

Mr. P. had wandered out back, where everyone else was still entranced by the telescope. Everybody had to have a turn, of course! Captain Hickory kept saying "Land ho!"; duh, we live in the desert! He really does seem to think he's a pirate, crossed with a superhero. He actually thinks superheros are real! Pistachio is the paranoid one; he says he dresses like a Man in Black to fool them. He wants to know everything about all of the conspiracies. Coco, the girl in black, is our resident goth girl, depressive and obsessed with death. And the blonde in green with the green glasses is Hazel. She keeps looking for her "husband" and her "babies." The only problem is she doesn't have a husband or babies, and never has--they are all in her head. Fun group, huh? Posted by Picasa

Well, at least I distracted Saul-Ted away from poor Mr. P. We talked about baseball--surprisingly, he really knows a lot about baseball! I noticed Macadamia reading the newspaper and realized that I could look in the classifieds and try to get a job! Maybe I could buy back the decor for the place, get some lights, maybe some plants (I love buying nice stuff), and maybe even start on that medical career--a girl can dream, even a girl trapped in a mental institution. Posted by Picasa

I followed one of the recipes I learned from that book and made some food for everyone. I figured the residents might be hungry and I didn't know yet if they could fend for themselves or not in that area. Meanwhile, Saul-Ted and Mr. P. comtinued to not get along well. Posted by Picasa

I was about to go talk to him or something, when Saul-Ted tried to give Mr. P. a big hug, right out of nowhere! Mr. P. was not happy with that at all! Saul-Ted seems to need to be friends with EVERYONE, right away. That's the only thing he cares about, making friends. But the way he goes about it pushes people away. Posted by Picasa

Then they start playing that old kids' game, "Red Hands," and it didn't even seem to bother them that they were locked up in this awful place. I felt bad that they seemed to be leaving Mr. P. out, though. Posted by Picasa

Pistachio (in the fedora hat) and Saul-Ted (in the cowboy hat) started bonding right away, gossiping about another resident who goes by the name of "Captain Hickory." I can't imagine what they have to say about him--we all just met each other 20 minutes ago. Well, he does dress like a pirate and wears a mask, so I guess that would do for something to discuss. Posted by Picasa

They did give us a cheap telescope, though, and the residents have been enjoying spying on the neighbors with it. I hope nothing bad comes of that. Posted by Picasa

I started reading up on recipes, so that I could learn something about cooking. All of us are only 21 (they threw us in here as soon as we became "adults") and none of us have had much experience being adults on our own. I was so busy taking care of my ill parents, right after high school until thay passed away a couple of months ago, that I never learned to live on my own. After caring for my adopted parents, I do know that one day I want to go as far as I can in the field of Medicine, to help other people like them. Oh, and as you can see from this picture, they made good on their promise to take away the flooring, windows, and wallpaper, the cheapskates! Posted by Picasa

Mr. P. was also stoked about the crappy fridge, but poor P (excuse me, MR. P.--he hates it when you leave the "Mr." out) is kind of "slow." He seems like he may be developmentally disabled, not insane--why is he in here? For that matter, why am I??? Posted by Picasa

Macadamia here was the only one to come inside with me, while the others were busy freaking out over the windows (I heard one of them saying something about THE OTHERS being able to see in). She seemed impressed that we had a refrigerator, but it was a really cheap one that I could tell was on its last legs. What kind of awful place did she come from, where she had never had a refrigerator? Posted by Picasa

Apparantly windows freak them out so the people in charge said that maybe we weren't ready for windows yet and they might just take them away! Along with the brick front of the house, the flooring, and the wallpaper, too, for good measure!  Posted by Picasa

The first thing most of my fellow residents did right after we were dropped off was to complain about the windows. Posted by Picasa

My name is Notta Nutt and I am starting this journal to document the atrocities that our local mental health facility commits, starting with the fact that they committed me! They stated that everyone with the last name of "Nutt" be rounded up and stashed in this tiny hovel, since insanity is genetic, they say, and the very first "Nutt" family WAS quite insane, without a doubt. None of us here are closely related at all; they are distant relatives at best. And actually, I am not related at all, since I was ADOPTED by a familiy with the last name of Nutt! They even named me "Notta Nutt," so there would be no confusion. Unfortunately, as you can see, it didn't help and now I am stuck here, with all of these folks. I'll talk more about them as my journal goes on, of course. Posted by Picasa